Dear Supporters,

Benedicta is a little girl that we know in the village of Mettoh in northern Ghana. She is four years old. She will never forget the year 2013. It was the year that her father died.

But 2013 was also the year that a school was opened in her village, funded by Savannah Education Trust. During the construction process her father acted as a watchman on the school site, and allowed the tools to be stored in his house.  Now, in his absence, the school is serving his daughters. The new school in Mettoh is very close to Benedicta’s house and she attends it every day with her seven year old sister, Inpeng.

Continue reading “Newsletter, December 2013”

Dear Supporters,

This time of year gives us a welcome opportunity to thank you for your interest in the work of Savannah Education Trust during 2012. We remain extremely grateful to you.

This is, of course, a time of year much anticipated by children in this country – not least because they enjoy a holiday from school.  The contrast with the children in northern Ghana is never more stark than at this season. When visiting Ghana recently, we asked a girl at one of our schools how she spent her school holidays. The answer was shocking. She travelled about 150 miles south to help with the yam harvest, spending days carrying yams in the merciless sun for the equivalent of under £1 a day. And the reason? To fund school books to help her studies. Continue reading “Christmas 2012 Newsletter”